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Ein Bereich unseres Depots. Links und rechts sind Regale mit historischen Tischen.


Historical everyday culture: collecting and preserving

The LWL-Open-Air Museum Detmold has an extensive collection of historical everyday objects. This collection comprises more than 300,000 items stored in our own depot.

The collections of the museum include:

  • the historical buildings
  • building components and building findings such as windows and doors
  • furniture
  • clothing, home and work textiles
  • household and working appliances
  • vehicles of all kinds, such as farm wagons, sleds, fire trucks and milk wagons
  • rural and urban shops, colonial and mixed goods, pharmacies and drugstores
  • objects of the school system
  • devotional pictures, memorial sheets, certificates and collecting pictures
  • discounts from associations
  • emergency objects of the last war and post-war period
  • photo collections
  • objects of the present

Special exhibitions every year

Much is hidden

In order to see these objects, we show changing special exhibitions every year.
A separate documentation department records and manages the holdings and is currently working on an online presentation of selected areas.

Further information about the museum work on documentation

Eine historische Dreschmaschine aus Holz. Sie ähnelt einer Kutsche.