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Zwei Gebäude im Paderborner Dorf. Links der Teich. Mittig der Fußweg.

Visitor information

Perfectly prepared for your day at the museum

Are you planning a trip to the museum with your family, your friends or with your school class? Have you thought of everything?
To help you plan your day at the museum, we have put together some information for you.

Opening hours and entrance fees

Can I come on a public holiday? What are the opening hours of the museum? And what are the entrance fees? Here you will find our opening hours and prices.

Follow this link for further information

Ein Teil des Paderborner Dorfes aus der Luft, im Hintergrund Wiesen, Felder und Wälder.


How do I get to the museum by car or bike?
Which bus rides to the open-air museum?
Here you will find information on how to find us and where to park.

Follow this link for further information

Einen Ausschnitt von unserem Parkplatz.. Rechts ist ein Schild mit der Aufschrift "Ziel erreicht". Geradeaus unser Plakat zur Sonderausstellung Liebe.


Are you looking for a suitable gift?
Or would you simply like to buy a souvenir? In our shop you will find products from our museum, books and many other beautiful things.

Further information about the shop

Einen Ausschnitt von unserem Museumsshop

One year for free

With the LWL-Museum Card you get free admission to our museum for one year.

Follow this link for further information

Einen Jungen, der aus einem Fenster schaut. Hinter dem Fenster sind Häuser des Museums.